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Top Trends Shaping Senior Living

Today’s American seniors – the baby boomer generation – are helping to shape new trends and design in senior living. Their demand for high-quality assisted living and skilled nursing isn’t just about medical necessity, but also, it’s about lifestyle choice. Although many seniors prefer to age-in-place at home, many baby…

The Most Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

Giving up cigarettes is very hard for most smokers – even when they want to quit. According to a U.S. government study, 68% of adult smokers want to quit, and while more than half make an attempt, only 7.4% successfully quit. However, the 1.3 million smokers who quit every year prove that quitting is possible….

Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adult Safety

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one out of four older adults fall each year. While many falls don’t cause injuries, many do – in fact, over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury. Falls are typically caused by a combination…

Memory Exercises for Seniors That Work

How can we improve our memory? Most experts believe memory exercises for seniors should typically involve real-world activities, but there are also some clinically proven brain training programs shown to effectively improve brain function and memory. It’s believed that the key to a sharper mind primarily boils down to four things: keeping…

5 Surprising Things Good for Heart Health

Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fish are all you need to fight heart disease, right? Well, not quite. These are certainly some of the best choices you can make when following a heart-healthy diet. However, there are several surprising foods and drinks not typically thought of as “healthy” that studies…

The Benefits of Laughter Exercises for Seniors

You may have used one of these expressions at some point in your life; “you’re killing me,” “I just about died laughing,” or joke after joke “had me in stitches.” Perhaps a loving family member attempted to “tickle you to death” during your younger years. Whether it was a medium…

How to Know If You Have Pneumonia or Bronchitis

Pneumonia and bronchitis are both respiratory conditions that can affect your breathing, cause a painful cough, and be accompanied by cold or flu-like symptoms. What is the difference between pneumonia and bronchitis? One big difference is where it develops in your body. Pneumonia develops in your lungs, while bronchitis develops…

How to Prevent Shrinking With Age

Do you shrink with age? Research shows we do. Unless you have a bone disease, shrinking in height is considered a normal part of aging. People typically start to shrink after the age of 40 and lose about half an inch each decade. After the age of 80, it’s possible…

Why Is Fiber Important for Older Adults?

While dietary fiber is an important part of a healthy diet for people of all ages, it can greatly help older adults who have challenges with constipation, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and their weight. However, a whopping 97 percent of Americans are not getting enough of this plant-based carbohydrate…