Electrolysis is a popular hair removal procedure that uses direct electric current to destroy the growth center of the hair. As the only approved method of permanent hair removal by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), electrolysis can be very effective for a wide range of hair and skin types. Regardless of whether hair growth has been caused by hormonal, metabolic, or hereditary factors, electrolysis can be a great solution for permanent hair elimination.

The cost of electrolysis can vary depending on the size of the area treated, how much hair needs to be removed, and where you get your services. Expenses can also depend on the number of sessions needed to achieve results. Medicare does not typically cover the cost of electrolysis due to its cosmetic nature, but there are exceptions. Medicare may help cover the cost of electrolysis as part of treatment for gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is distress caused by an individual’s conflict between the physical or assigned gender at birth and the gender the individual identifies with. Some people with gender dysphoria choose to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Electrolysis may be covered by Medicare in cases of transgender-related medical care.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a decision memo regarding coverage for gender re-assignment surgery. Instead of issuing a National Coverage Decision on this issue, CMS announced that Medicare Administrative Contractors can make the determination of whether or not to cover gender reassignment surgery based. The decision should be based on whether gender reassignment surgery is reasonable and necessary for the individual Medicare beneficiary after considering the individual’s specific circumstances. For Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan, the initial determination of whether or not surgery is reasonable and necessary will be made by the MA plan.